In the sales world, I hear salespeople utilize “wants and needs” like they are the same thing. Nothing could be farther from the truth. It is true that all sales are based on wants and needs, but they are different from each other and before you can be a successful sales person, you must know the differences and what is the driving factor, particularly in the events business.
For weddings and events needs can be physical (food, location, transportation, rentals) or emotional (pretty, smooth, fun). Wants, however, are almost always emotional. Whenever we purchase something, it’s because the purchase satisfies a want. It may or may not satisfy an actual need.
Let’s face it, when someone decides to get married, they only NEED, a marriage license and an official to execute it. Literally everything else is a WANT when it comes to the formal ceremony and reception party.
Whenever a want conflicts with a need, the want always wins. Always!
Which means if you’re selling something based on need or perceived need and your prospect wants to avoid spending that much money right now, there’s not likely going to be a sale. Unless you can show the value and develop an emotional connection for the prospect that makes the purchase of your product or service a strong WANT.
So as you’re talking with your prospect, ask about all their wants and needs, not just the obvious ones. The more emotional wants you can uncover, the greater your chances of making the sale. But remember, want or need, the PURCHASE will be driven by emotion. If it is a need, they will justify the price logically, if it is something that they REALLY WANT, the price becomes insignificant.
Science defines emotions as brief multi-component responses to challenges or opportunities that are important to the individual’s goals, particularly social ones.
Take time to know, and to take notice…