Saturday, 31 May 2014

Adjust yourself

We have all heard about the power of positive thinking, and the benefits of having good thoughts to help us achieve different goals and ambitions. Positive thinking groups and seminars have become a multi-million- dollar industry involving books, videos, boot camps, and the more.
Each year thousands of people spend their hard-earned money in the hope that the information and skills they receive will be the one thing that they need to make them succeed over all of the others. Many times this information is extremely valuable, and can give someone that extra advantage to overcome various hurdles. However, more often than not, this very expensive information goes unused or is neglected due to various other important aspects of our lives. Simply put, there is a lot of excitement at first in starting something new, but no positive action is ever taken. If it is taken, a failure to keep a continued effort brings a less than desired result.
Is there anything that can help us to keep going and not give up on a better path or routine, and really take the necessary action that is needed? Absolutely! It is something that is often overlooked but is most important in helping us take positive action. It is making a positive mental adjustment. This means not just keeping positive thoughts in our minds, but consciously making the necessary adjustments to keep us moving forward.
This is not an easy thing to do because, quite frankly, there are a lot of negative things happening in our lives and in the world right now that can actually affect the way we do business and the way we view each day. If we want to succeed, we need to examine our own thoughts and speech— the words we use every day. Have you heard someone say, “Oh, its good enough” or “It doesn’t matter. This will do?” These are not really positive expressions when it comes to our line of work, are they? Wouldn’t “No matter how many times I have done this, I will do it right!” or “I will do my best to make this gig exciting and do exactly what my client wants!” be more positive views to take?
Don’t simply do what you have to do to get by, but work hard to be your very best, each and every time. How we think about ourselves and how we speak will have a tremendous impact on what we actually do. By examining ourselves truthfully, we can root out any weaknesses, flaws and negative qualities that we may have that are holding us back, keeping us from being excellent.
Positive mental adjustment is not something that we can just turn off and on depending upon the situation. This is an ongoing process in which we work hard to evolve in every aspect of our lives. It means constantly taking some time out of our busy schedules to look at ourselves in the figurative mirror to find those weak and negative aspects of our thinking that impede our ability to do our very best in every area of our lives. Change “I can’t!” to “I will!” Change “I don’t think I can” to “I know I can.” Acknowledge any bad habits you may have that are holding you back, and then change them.
The only way that you can make progress is to first acknowledge the problem. Begin with simple things, such as getting enough sleep, healthy eating, or just making one more sale than usual this month. This works better if you begin to practice this method in all aspects of your life. Evaluate your own personal viewpoints on life, and then look at your business and your performance aspects. That way, your whole outlook on life is moving ahead with positive momentum. By doing this, you are not hindering your progress in any one area, but you will smoothly move ahead in all directions. It will also help you to grow to your best potential in the shortest amount of time.
Of course, it’s easy to read this and say, “Yes, I will do this!” The hardest part is to actually implement this program to move ahead and make these positive mental adjustments. Why not start looking for some of the smaller changes that you can begin right away?

Selling to and without emotion

In the sales world, I hear salespeople utilize “wants and needs” like they are the same thing. Nothing could be farther from the truth. It is true that all sales are based on wants and needs, but they are different from each other and before you can be a successful sales person, you must know the differences and what is the driving factor, particularly in the events business.
For weddings and events needs can be physical (food, location, transportation, rentals) or emotional (pretty, smooth, fun). Wants, however, are almost always emotional. Whenever we purchase something, it’s because the purchase satisfies a want. It may or may not satisfy an actual need.
Let’s face it, when someone decides to get married, they only NEED, a marriage license and an official to execute it. Literally everything else is a WANT when it comes to the formal ceremony and reception party.
Whenever a want conflicts with a need, the want always wins. Always!
Which means if you’re selling something based on need or perceived need and your prospect wants to avoid spending that much money right now, there’s not likely going to be a sale. Unless you can show the value and develop an emotional connection for the prospect that makes the purchase of your product or service a strong WANT.
So as you’re talking with your prospect, ask about all their wants and needs, not just the obvious ones. The more emotional wants you can uncover, the greater your chances of making the sale. But remember, want or need, the PURCHASE will be driven by emotion. If it is a need, they will justify the price logically, if it is something that they REALLY WANT, the price becomes insignificant.
Science defines emotions as brief multi-component responses to challenges or opportunities that are important to the individual’s goals, particularly social ones.
Take time to know, and to take notice…

Core values

Core Values establish your mission statement for you and your company.
“Our goal isn’t to make money. Our goal absolutely at Apple is not to make money. This may sound a little flippant, but it’s the truth. Our goal and what gets us excited is to try to make great products. We trust that if we are successful people will like them, and if we are operationally competent we will make revenue, but we are very clear about our goal.”Sir Jonathan Paul “Jony” Ive, Senior Designer Apple,Inc.
At our events company our mission statement and goal is: “To create amazing, memorable, stress free events by connecting in a personalized manner to understand unique wants and needs. To do the little things that others don’t, won’t or can’t. To achieve unforgettable results!”
What are your core values? What is your true mission statement?  Is it only to make money, or to deliver outstanding events and amazing weddings?  If you change your focus, you may just change your income dramatically.