At this point I go into detail to let them know that not only am I paid well, but I don’t have to necessarily worry about the local or national economy. Sure the economy affects everyone in different ways but dj’s have the safety net of the “good times/bad times” rule. The rule is simple … in good times or bad, people will celebrate birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, and even get hitched. Bars and clubs are always full of patrons on both ends of this spectrum. Step into a nightclub and the dim lights combined with sexual tension, can provide a temporary hiatus from reality. The dj plays a vital role in this see-saw. The music and adult beverages provide a cloak in which to hide temporarily. Notice how many local restaurant bars are now having theme nights and even karaoke? These specialized nights are geared towards making the venue more money. Why not hire a band? Well, they can be very expensive, they take frequent breaks, and play only a limited amount of tunes. A smart dj can even market yourself to a band to make extra money! How? Two different ways come to mind. (1) team up with a band and provide the tunes for their clients while the band breaks. (2) Make music mixes that they themselves can play at a event. Mixed dj sets keep the flow going until they return from hitting on every skirt in the room.
So to my dj brothers and sisters, don’t worry about going down in flames in the current climate. You have more control over the money you make than ever before. The internet via blogs, Twitter and Facebook, is a free window in which you can shout out to the world “I’m open for business!”
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